The Education program aims to ensure that children and adolescents acquire the necessary cognitive competencies, as well as the mindsets and values, for a brighter future
SEP Incorporation agreements:
Preschool: 09060458
: 09990098/572

For children aged 1 year 7 months to 3 years. It aims to promote Early Childhood skills necessary for lifelong learning processes

For children aged 3 to 6 years. It seeks to promote the cognitive, physical, and emotional skills necessary to continue with their elementary education, as well as mindsets and values that will enable them to navigate the rest of their lives.
Incorporated into SEP (Secretariat of Public Education).

Elementary School
For children aged 6 to 12 years. Essential for optimal educational, physical, and mental development. Students attend English classes and participate in afternoon workshops as a complement to their education.
Incorporated into SEP (Secretariat of Public Education).
Young Leadership
Young Leadership
For adolescents aged 12 to 15 years, we offer an afternoon program designed for graduates of AFN who attend middle school classes at another non-profit organization that partners with us as an ally. This program provides them with nutritious meals, academic support, English language classes, homework assistance, engaging reading circles, and valuable socio-emotional skills workshops.
The objective of the Nutrition Program is to enhance the physical health of children and adolescents by promoting a balanced diet and fostering skills for making informed decisions regarding their well-being and nutritional health.
A fundamental component of this initiative is our Dining Program, a space where we provide our young ones with 4 out of the 5 daily meals.
The Dining Program is operated in partnership with Comedor Santa María AC, who oversee and share their training with us so that we can replicate their best practices.
The Health program is dedicated to enhancing the physical well-being of children and adolescents through preventative healthcare measures. These include monitoring weight and height, offering personalized nutritional consultations, conducting ophthalmological assessments, providing affordable dental services, and tracking foot health.
In addition, this program complements the Nutrition program by using data from weight and height measurements to provide valuable feedback.
Moreover, we offer nutrition classes to parents with the aim of fostering healthy eating habits within the household.
Our students ingest
of their daily calorie requirement within the institution.
Each year, we provide about
breakfasts and full meals and
Morning and afternoon snacks
We conduct 4 measurements of weight and height each school year to ensure age-appropriate growth.

At A Favor del Niño, we prioritize the socio-emotional well-being of our students.
Our Human Development Program is dedicated to enhancing the overall well-being and healthy development of children and adolescents. We achieve this by cultivating essential socio-emotional skills in a nurturing and compassionate environment. These skills empower them to successfully navigate the challenges they will encounter in their future lives.

Emotional Support
Development of Socio-Emotional Skills
At A Favor del Niño, we offer emotional support to children and adolescents. If any student requires specialized attention, we refer them to a dedicated partner institution.
Moreover, we conduct workshops for children and adolescents to nurture the development of their socio-emotional skills.
Caregivers in Action
The "Caregivers in Action" program is dedicated to fostering the active and positive participation of primary caregivers in the upbringing of children and adolescents.
At AFN, we are committed to promoting the active and positive involvement of primary caregivers in providing nurturing and sensitive care. We aim to encourage effective collaboration within a community development context, creating a unified front where children are at the forefront of our caregiving efforts.

Faculty training plays a pivotal role in ensuring the successful implementation of our Education program. Every week, our dedicated teachers participate in professional development sessions. During these sessions, our preschool educators enhance their teaching practices in Play-Based Learning and Transdimensional Pedagogy, empowering students to contribute to projects aligned with the Common Good. Simultaneously, our elementary school teachers receive training in student-centered approaches that foster individualized and autonomous learning for the children.
We take pride in being a holistic development initiative that combines the best practices from the social sector to transform the lives of underprivileged children and adolescents facing family neglect.

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